Space to BE
Thursday 16th January
6.00pm - 7.30pm
Give to yourself and take some time to come and relax in the Essence space, here at Inara Serenity.
Before, I found this space, I often found myself looking for somewhere to relax, away from the noise, without any interruptions. it is so important that we allow ourselves time out from the busyness of daily life and just BE, without feeling the demand on our time or energy.
Inara serenity has been created with so much love, and I want to ripple this into the community and invite you into our home away from home.
Come and rest your head on our bouncy pillows, and nestle under our freshly laundered blankets, in candle light, with the gentle sounds of meditation music. Bring a book, bring your journal, listen to a podcast, meditate, or just simple rest into the space and allow yourself to immersed in the blissful energies.
Enjoy a hot drink and connect with others.
Space to BE is free, however it is essential to book your place due to limited numbers and comfortability for all.
Small donations are deeply appreciated, to support with replenishing drinks and candles.