Golden Ray Healing
Remote Session
Service Description
For a remote session, the healing will be sent at the date and time that you book. Please ensure you are lying down and ready to receive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. You can listen to gentle music during the session, please allow at least 45 minutes for the session to be completed. Samantha will check in with you after your appointment. Please ensure you leave your email address and telephone number. The golden ray is a high frequency light energy connected to the great central sun and christ consciousness. This field of energy supports us to connect with the creator within and experience oneness. To be in the now and gain clarity on our ascension pathway. When connecting with this ray of energy it promotes connection to our highest aspects of self, known as the over-soul where we exist as one with all of creation. It brings forth internal transformation on all levels and manifests joy, peace, harmony, stability, creativity and unconditional love. It supports in unifying the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine templates within, merging the physical with the spiritual and creating heaven on earth. During this healing, I will channel the golden ray and sun codes from the great central sun that will work with your own monadic energy and support in shifting your energy to anchor in your original templates of creation.
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment please allow 48 hours notice. Failure to do so will incur a charge of the full fee. Please note - This is at the discretion of Samantha Brown.
Contact Details