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Angelic Reiki

Remote Session.

1 h
45 British pounds
Remotely - At the agreed time.

Service Description

* Remote healing - You need to be lying down ready to receive at the time agreed. Samantha will send a 15 minute reminder before your appointment time. Angelic Reiki was channelled by Kevin Core in 2003. Angelic Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful, loving energy. During a session I will channel Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactic's through the hands of the divine. Angelic Reiki is multi-dimensional, meaning that the healing travels through all dimensions of existence, including the ancestral line. There are various techniques that can be used with Angelic Reiki, I will be guided by the Angelic Kingdom on techniques that need to be used. Angelic Reiki is deeply relaxing and brings a sense of belonging, alignment and centredness. The benefits of Angelic Reiki (Although not limited to) include ~ Deeper sense of peace from within ~ Healing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies ~ Greater sense of joy ~ Increased connection to the divine ~ Spiritual growth ~ Assists in bridging the human consciousness and divine consciousness ~Alignment of the 14 energy centres (Chakras) ~ Energetic shifts What to expect You will be lying down in a comfortable position, gentle music can be played in the background to assist you to relax and land into the space. During a session of Angelic Reiki, I will gently place my hands on the body to where I felt guided. If you are uncomfortable with physical touch, I can place my hands in your energy field away from the body. You are likely to feel very calm and relaxed during the session. You may receive guidance and visuals throughout the healing. Angelic Reiki is suitable for everyone, including animals.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment please allow 48 hours notice. Failure to do so will incur a charge of the full fee. Please note - This is at the discretion of Samantha Brown.

Contact Details


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