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Samantha Brown

- Inara Serenity -

Quantum Healing & Activations | Readings | Development Workshops | Mentoring

Growing up I was aware of my sensitivities but didn't know how to label them, I always felt different but never knew how to explain it. I felt things that logically didn't make any sense, I was always able to sense others emotions and feel them as if they were my own. I always had a feeling of being surrounded by people even when I was alone. I had a very vivid and active imagination and lived in my own world created in my mind. I was often told I was too emotional, too sensitive and that I need to come back to the real world and get my head out of the clouds. 

As I reached my teenage years, social pressures and home pressures, caused me to begin to shut down, I was becoming aware that my sensitivity was seen as something negative, so I hid who I really was, through fear of rejection. I would spend most days battling my intense emotions and had no feeling of safety with true expression, I misunderstood myself and felt that I was alone, and that no one would ever truly understand me. I was always very creative, and loved expressing my emotions through music, singing, art, writing, dance and drama, but, the more I suppressed myself, the more my creativity diminished and I stopped doing all those things I loved and felt passionate about. Trying to fit in with the social constructs, I began to change my character based on what I felt others would approve of, so that I could feel a level of acceptance. This led to further suppression of my essence and I became a person that I wasn't, this made behave in ways that I didn't like and I became very angry at the world. I was dealing with intense emotions and essentially battling who I really was and who I thought I needed to be. 

Leaving school I knew I wanted to help others, I applied for college to do an access course into nursing, I was offered a place but instead I applied for an apprenticeship role in a local nursing home, so I began my NVQ level 2 in care whilst working 5 days a week. Life at home was uncomfortable and I moved out after just turning 17. I was struggling financially, so the care home offered me more hours to support me. I fell into a deep depression and was lost in myself, it felt unjustified that at the age of 17 I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders, when my other friends were doing the things that I wanted to do, but couldn't. When I turned 18 I began going out drinking every weekend, which then turned to using recreational substances. I loved the feeling and realised I could escape my reality through the use of these substances, I began to use them more frequently as a form of escapism. Addiction creeped up on me and I found myself in a place with no way out, at this point I had accepted that life would never be what I had hoped it would be. 

In 2012 I met a beautiful man, we had an instant connection and our relationship began to flourish. I eased off the substances and began to discover some meaning in life again, he saved me in many ways and gave me purpose. I didn't feel alone or misunderstood anymore. I fell pregnant not long into our relationship, we were scared but exited and we both agreed that we wanted a family, I knew it would be the making of me, I always wanted to be a mum, from a very young age and I could see so many amazing blessing in my future. Our world came crashing down in the November when he was born sleeping, we named him Bobby and he was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I fell into depression again and was suffering with severe anxiety and PTSD, I had suicidal thoughts everyday, the idea of living without him was too painful and I just wanted to be with him. I went back to work as a distraction and it did help, my colleagues were amazing and became like family to me. 


I fell pregnant again in 2013, another little boy, I was petrified but he felt like a gift from Bobby to help fix my broken heart. I had lots of health issues during this pregnancy and was convinced I would lose him too. I developed pre-eclampsia and he was born at 28 weeks, weighing a tiny 2lb 5oz, we named him Ollie. He was a fighter from day 1 and spent the next 12 weeks in the NICU, when he finally came home I felt like a 'real' mum. Still struggling with severe anxiety and PTSD from all the trauma I began to experience lots of physical pain, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Over the following years, I developed an addiction to opioid medication. 

Seeking support, I booked in for a reading with a lovely lady, I was unaware that this would be the day that activated the remembrance of my essence. She told me I was a medium and a healer and I am here to do incredible work and it is time to step into it. I didn't believe her, but something inside me knew that she was right. I went home and whilst scrolling FB, I saw a local medium advertising a mediumship development circle, I messaged her and a few days later in October 2017, I was sat in the circle. As I was sitting there I had a moment of 'how did I end up here?' It all happened so fast and it felt like a higher power had led me there. I quickly realised that I was a natural and able to tune into spirit and communicate with ease. During one of the circles, a lady mentioned the word 'Reiki', I had never heard of it, but it sparked a curiosity in me. As soon as I got home I found a local Reiki practitioner and book a session for the day after. What happened during that session blew my mind, and from that moment I knew I had to learn Reiki. In the January of 2018 I began to advertise readings, I was booked up and I finally began to understand why I always felt so different growing up. I found out I was pregnant in the March, a few days after finding out, I had an intense pull to learn Reiki, I found a Level 1&2 workshop in Brighton for April and booked on. The workshop was quite intense for me, as the practitioner was working over my womb, she said 'this little baby is special and has led you here today'. I knew she was right, I deeply felt that my baby guided me to attend Reiki. I gave birth in October to another beautiful boy, we named him Kenny after my grandad. He was placed on my chest and I felt an instant soul recognition with him, in that moment I knew that he was here to bring change. 

I was working in a school and in my spare time I was offering readings and Reiki from home. I knew I wanted to be make this my career, but I wasn't sure how. Going within, I continued to get the same message, 'It's coming together', I knew there was an element of resistance on my end and life felt so out of alignment, I still didn't have clarity on anything. I made the decision to end my relationship and move out, I had that same feeling of a higher power pulling me onto a path that I couldn't see for myself. Leaving my home, my partner and stability with a 5 year old and 1 year old was never something that I imagined I would be doing. I changed jobs and began working in a children's home on the weekends to accommodate our children during the separation. I was struggling with my mental health and quit my job with immediate effect, 2 days later lockdown was announced. During lockdown I converted my conservatory into a therapy room and set up my business, I dedicated that time to self development and decided to go all in with my career as a complimentary therapist. When lockdown lifted I booked onto several workshops in a very short space of time, this included; Angelic Reiki, Metatron Methods, Energy Harmonisation and Pellowah. It was rapid and intense, but deep within, I knew it had to be that way. My own journey of personal healing became very intense but deeply transformative, the inner calling to support others intensified, each time I tried to resist the calling, life became uncomfortable and out of alignment. 


During a Pellowah attunement, I received an activation of remembrance to an energy that I didn't know, but recognised. This later revealed itself as Prograna. This was an energy modality that was to be channelled and shared with others. The last few years I have been working with and channelling Prograna, it has been an incredible experience and has taken me in directions I never thought possible. 

As I have discovered myself, I have realised that my emotions are my gift, that my ability to go the depths of life experiences and alchemise each aspect is part of my mission in the now moment. As I reflect on all that has transpired, I understand that the unfolding happened in the exact way it needed to and it has shown me that there is a beautiful life on the other side of pain and suffering. Energy work saved my life and my story is a true testament to all that is shared in this incredible space at Inara Serenity. 

The creation of Inara Serenity came into fruition in 2024 and has been created with safety in mind, we want you to feel safe in the expression of who you are. Nothing is 'too much', we see, love and honour all that you are and celebrate it. 

I hope that together we can create a community of openness and oneness through the presence of love and understanding.

About Samantha...

My Approach...

Through my years of experience I have come to realise that open wonder, and the expression of love is all that is really needed to reach the spaces that are ready to be illuminated . I believe that we are all walking a path home to ourselves, and one path does not fit all. 

We can't plan what will occur during sessions, and letting go of the expectations of what we believe should occur, gives room for unlimited possibilities. All that we need is within, and I work in a way to empower the remembrance of all that you are, so that you can activate the keys of your potential contained within your own being. 

Through my own process of embodiment (which is a lifelong journey) I have mastered being able to shift my frequency into a holographic imprinting of another's monadic structure, this means that I am able to reflect the layers of your individual blueprints of creation to you, which allows an organic activation of the souls keys of remembrance. I work quantumly, meaning we can by-pass any limitations of the programmed self,  I work and connect with aspects of your soul that are separated or fractured (often labelled multi-dimensional). The whole process is gentle and organic. 

Working Hours

Monday 9.30am - 2.30pm

Tuesday 9.30am - 7pm

Wednesday 9.30am - 2.30pm

Thursday 9.30am - 7pm

Friday 9.30am - 1.30pm 

Saturday (Every Other) 9am - 12.30pm

Contact Samantha

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